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Table 1 Themes and research questions that guided the study

From: One hundred years of neurosciences in the arts and humanities, a bibliometric review


Research questions (RQ)

Scientific production exploration

RQ1. What is the relevance of the convergence of neuroscience and arts & humanities as a field of interest for the researchers?

RQ2. How has this convergence been built in terms of historical periods?

Specific relationships among keywords related to neuroscience in arts & humanities

RQ3. Which are the most influential keyword trends when considering neuroscience applied to arts & humanities?

RQ4. How are these trends distributed in terms of relevance and centrality measures?

RQ5. What clusters can be distinguished within the most frequent keywords network and which would be their most relevant nodes?

Main theoretical approaches based on influential papers

RQ6. What are the most influential papers and how do they relate in terms of network analysis?

RQ7. What are the main clusters in this network and what do they tell us about the different theoretical approaches?

Fields of study application

RQ8. How consolidated is this convergence of studies as a knowledge area?

RQ9. What are the main issues and controversies this convergence faces?

RQ10. What technologies have been implemented along its historical evolution?

Future studies

RQ11. What are the expected trends that may dominate in the coming years in this convergence of this area of study?